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Braintree Community Food pantry Logo

Visits to the Braintree Community Food Pantry are by appointment only.  If you are in need of assistance please contact the pantry and make an appointment.  Appointments are limited to one visit per month.  

Client Information

If you are a new client, welcome! We look forward to assisting you.


The Braintree Community Food Pantry provides Braintree Residents in need with gift cards to local supermarkets on a monthly basis.  You can be sure that all client information will be held in strict confidence and that you will be treated with respect and dignity by our staff.

New Client Registration

Braintree Residents Only


When you come to the Food Pantry for the first time, you will need to fill out an application form and meet with a Food Pantry Counselor to verify that you qualify for assistance.


Please Bring Copies of the Following Items


* Proof of current Braintree residency (Driver's License, recent utility bill)


* Copy of current Lease Agreement


* Proof of all income received (pay stubs, unemployment payments, AFDC forms, SSI or SSDI,  child support

   payments and any other pertinent income information)


* Identification paperwork for all members of the family (Birth certificates, WIC card information, etc.)

Hours of Operation

The Braintree Community Food Pantry is open 0ne Saturday morning a month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Exact dates can be found on the Calendar page.

Please visit our facebook site

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